Can we save the audio and listen to it later?

Discarded sound – Leon van Oldenborgh x Róbert Rampáček

Creative Industry Košice again briefly became the Košice residency center in 2024, and for 2 months, we hosted Dutch new media artist Leon van Oldenborgh. Together with local screenwriter, director, and sound engineer Róbert Rampáček, they created the work Discarded sound/Odložený zvuk based on the essence of the “noise cancelling” phenomenon of suppressed noise.

The phenomenon of noise cancelling and its artistic interpretation

Noise-canceling headphones have quickly become the new standard for personal audio playback, allowing those able and willing to invest to retreat into controlled private soundscapes, free from any ambient noise that surrounds them. Who actually has access to this technology, and is this individualistic approach to managing the noisy environments we face every day the best solution? What are we losing by silencing the sounds that this technology classifies as “noise”?

The work Discarded sound filled the spaces of Alfa gallery and East Slovak gallery

The joint installation was presented on November 21, 2024 at the international event Art & Tech Days at the Alfa gallery in Kasárne/Kulturpark, then the exhibition moved to the East Slovak Gallery in Košice.

Watch a short documentary about the creation of the work, about the thinking process of two artists from different countries and different artistic backgrounds.

CIKE connects artists from all over the world

The city of Košice is part of the international network of Creative Cities of Media Arts, connecting local artists with the world. In addition, we organize hybrid online residencies at Creative Industry Košice under the name City to City. You can learn more about this residency in the next article here.

The project was supported by the Slovak Arts Council from public sources. The Slovak Arts Council is the main partner of the project.
The residency of the artist Leon van Oldenborgh was created within the framework of the European Platform for New Media Art (EMAP), of which Creative Industry Košice is a member.
The project was supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.